Coronavirus (COVID-19) Precautionary Closures & Tips
Author: Shannon Chan
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Precautions
Updated on March 14th 2020:
As a precautionary measure for the coronavirus, we will be closing for certain days next week. We, at Bellevue Eye Specialists, want to prioritize our patients’ health and well-being. On March 9th (Monday), March 11th (Wednesday), March 13th (Friday), & March 16th (Monday), March 18th (Wednesday), March 20th (Friday), March 23rd (Monday), March 25th (Wednesday), March 27th (Friday),& March 30th (Monday), we will be closed. We will be closed for the rest of the Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, in the month of March as a precautionary measure against COVID-19. We will continue to be open at regular businesses on Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday from 10am to 6pm.
During these closures, we will monitor our phone messages at (425) 698-1891 and emails ( on a regular basis. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any concerns and we will do our best to assist you.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Prevention Tips
With the coronavirus outbreak, we encourage everyone to remain as healthy as possible. During this time, we encourage everyone to also maintain proper hygienic practices as much as possible. Here are some following suggestions on how to avoid getting sick from the coronavirus.
1) Try washing your hands for 20 seconds at a time frequently under warm water especially before eating or touching your eyes, face, or mouth.
2) If soap and water are not readily available, consider using hand sanitizers that have at least 60% alcohol in them.
3) Avoid touching your face, eyes, or any other part of your body before washing your hands.
4) Keep up with healthy lifestyle practices such as maintaining regular exercise, eating balanced and complete meals, and receiving enough sleep every night.
5) Try to avoid crowded spaces at this time.
6) If you are sick, please limit social interactions and stay at home. We want to minimize transmission of any colds and viruses going around in our community.
7) If you are experiencing symptoms of the COVID-19, such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath, please contact a doctor as soon as possible on what steps to follow next.