Importance of Having Eye Exams Every 1-2 Years

Importance of Having Eye Exams Every 1-2 Years

Our eyes are often something we take for granted. We don’t normally notice their importance until we experience problems in our vision. 

Not only are our eyes  vital for healthy vision, but they’re also a key indicator of our overall health, too. Because eye exams can help monitor various health systems, having eye exams every 1-2 years is vital for the average adult.

Benefits to Our Whole Health

Our eyes are connected to many other bodily functions such as heart and arterial health. Your eyes are connected to hundreds of blood vessels and veins that are directly related to heart health. An eye exam can help monitor heart health, thyroid health, cranial nerve health, and so much more.

Constantly Changing Eyes

As we age, our eyes grow increasingly likely to changes even if they’re kept in a healthy state. Certain eye diseases such as glaucoma, retinal detachments and cataracts become much more common even we didn’t have trouble seeing in the past. Starting at around age 40, many adults begin to have a harder time seeing and reading things at a close distance. Many adults require a pair of reading glasses or progressives by the time they’re in their age 40’s-50’s. It’s key to get the right prescription for reading glasses; is it’s wrong it can actually make your vision worse, and cause symptoms such as eye strain or increased blur.

Having the Right Prescription

Even though your prescription might not change drastically each year, it’s still important to update prescription glasses. By updating every year or two, we lower eye strain. Eye strain can cause our vision to get worse and can put our eyes at a higher risk for eye health problems. 

Many Benefits with an Eye Exam

An eye exam is a check-in to your overall health. Our eyes are irreplaceable; your eyes deserve the utmost care. At Bellevue Eye Specialists we want to find the best frames for you that not only help you with vision, but also match your style. Contact us today!


  • AOA, A. O. A. (n.d.). Comprehensive eye exams. Retrieved August 25, 2022, from