Coronavirus (COVID-19) BES Reopening

Coronavirus (COVID-19) BES Reopening

 Author: Shannon Chan

Bellevue Eye Specialists will be reopening on Thursday, June 4, 2020, in accordance with Washington State Governor Inslee’s COVID-19 plan. As a precautionary measure for the coronavirus, we will be instating temporary mandatory guidelines to protect our customers/patients/employees.

General Mandatory Guidelines

1. We will greet our customers verbally – no handshakes or hugs for now.
2. Upon entering our store/clinic we will take your temperature using a non-contact thermometer. Please let us know and reschedule your appointment if you have a fever or any flu-like symptoms. All our staff will have their temperature taken before starting their shift and will be sent home if they feel sick or have any flu-like symptoms.
3. For the safety of everyone, all customers, patients, and staff must wear masks for the entirety of their visit in our store/office. 
4. All customers and patients are required to sanitize their hands upon entering the building.
5. We will not offer beverages or magazines at this time.
6. These new steps are in addition to our already rigorous cleaning and sanitizing standards.

A. Clinic-Specific Guidelines

1. Please come in 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment time to fill out paperwork. We will space out our appointments to limit the number of patients in the waiting area, and to reduce the time each patient spends at our clinic to a minimum. You may also call us (425-698-1891) when you arrive our parking garage. We will let you know when to come in.
2. For the safety of all patients and providers, please do not bring guests with you to your appointment unless the guest is someone essential to the appointment such as a translator, a guardian, or a caretaker.

B. Optical-Specific Guidelines

3. Starting June 2, 2020, optical shop customers are welcome to schedule their appointments with our optician before they come in. This will be private shopping time. You and your guests will be the only customer(s) we serve at that specific appointment time. Please call us at (425) 698-1891 if you are interested.
4. Walk-ins to the optical are still encouraged; however, due to health concerns we will only serve one optical guest group (limit to 2 other individuals) at a time. Those who walk-in when there is already a guest being served in the optical will be asked…..
          a. to wait in a designated area,
          b. come back later (leave a number and we will call you when we are ready for you), or
          c. to schedule a designated time slot at a later date.
5. Please do not try on glasses without the assistance of our opticians. Our opticians will wear a clean pair of gloves while they work with you. All glasses displayed on the shelves are sanitized and you do not have to replace them after you try them on. We will clean them before we put them back on the shelves for the next customer.